In my history class, my favorite teacher, Mr. H, has been going over what 'debating,' is... its not an argument, but a conversation to solve what the conflict is... we were 'debating,' about our enrichment we have... an extra 20-25 minutes, where we get to pick something we want to do, on Tuesday and Thursday's, mostly a break of the day. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we have literacy, which is reading, same amount of time as enrichment... our principle, Mr. O, came into our class to see what we thought about this enrichment problem. So we 'debated,' and some of the students in my fourth hour history class said some things like..
" it would be easier if we just took enrichment away, and had a recess instead, right after lunch."
" we could have an enrichment class where we go outside."
and then there was one person who said, " I think we're being selfish, kids come to school to learn, not to have fun."
In a way the kid was a little right. If you think about it, we were kind of being selfish... we have an extra 20-25 minutes where we don't have to worry about homework, unless your failing then your put in remediation. Even though we have a extra time in school, to have a break, we want more. Which to us seems simple, we take out enrichment, and use that time for recess after lunch, but you have to think, (we're in 8th grade ) what about the 7th, and 6th graders? we would be taking there enrichment time too, so then we decided it could be just an 8th grade thing... which in a way makes since too, but then we have to have supervision, which means we take some time from the teachers lunch, just to have a little time outside.
So the question that I ask in my head is.... " Why do the kids think that taking time from the teachers is okay? Because they want free-time, which could also just cause problems, like fights, and other things?"
another thing I learned in my history class is,
I can say that I think we shouldn't even have a president, and I wont be executed or thrown in jail. as long as it doesn't make a crime... for example...
Mr.. H couldn't get all the students to rise up against, the principle Mr. O. Yes he has freedom to tell us that he doesn't like Mr. O ( which isn't true, the teacher is the best, and he likes pretty much everybody ) but he cant have a speech that influences violence.
This is just a few things I learned so far in my 4th hour history class with the best teacher in the world, Mr. H. ^.^