Wednesday, July 31, 2013

More Quote's (unkown) artist's

I found these on pinterest.

  "I miss you a little,
I guess you could say,
    a little to much,
    a little to often,
   and a little more
        each day..."

People will always have
Their opinions of you
 despite who you are
   and what you
     are capable

Sometimes I have to remind myself
that I don't have to do what everyone else
   is doing.

May we be
  with the
of all things
rather than
with things

"God can restore what is broken and change it into something amazing. All you need is faith."
                                                                        Joel 2:25

Whatever is worrying you right now,
forget about it.
Take a deep breath,
and trust in God.

So do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will care for itself.

Look like a girl
Act like a lady
think like a man
act like a boss

The grass is always greener
where you water it.

a big and powerful

is missed by most
people because
it is dresses in
overalls and
looks like work.
         -Thomas Edison

Never get so busy
making a
that you forget to
make a life.

The time you enjoy wasting
is not wasted time..

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